
Laetitia Natural Products

Bitterstern Bittertropfen dekoriert mit Zimt, Pomeranzenschale und lila Blüten


The original recipe with 17 herbal ingredients offers unique benefits. Created more than 30 years ago, our bitter drops at top quality are more precious than ever.

Natural Products from Laetitia

Strengthening your inner self is at the heart of Laetitia’s mission

We believe that physical and mental well-being are the basis for a happy life and our products will help you achieve this goal. For more than 25 years the Laetitia team of wellness specialists, medical doctors and health practicioners has created a range of herbal products and minerals of the highest quality. We combine nature’s treasures with the benefits of modern science to boost your body’s own power plant, Every single one of our  products is a testimony to the passion that drives us. We can help you boost your joy of living  – which is laetitia in Latin!

  • Bitterstern Bittertropfen


    The traditional Indian art of healing Ayurveda, which goes back approximately five thousand years, is the oldest medical philosophy known to mankind. Ayurveda believes that a person is healthy when body, mind and soul are in harmony. Bitter substances are used to strengthen the organism.

  • Urbase Basic Basenpulver

    Acid-base balance

    Our body is a miracle of nature that always strives for balance. This covers a number of processes such as the acid-base balance where a sophisticated buffer system ensures that acids and bases are equally balanced in the body.


Please feel warmly invited to start cooperation with our company.

Let us know how to get in touch, and we’ll share our knowledge how to bring our products into the life of your customers.

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Call us: 09195 808-0

Deutsches Familienunternehmen Qualität ohne Kompromisse ist unser Anspruch seit 1992
Apothekenqualität seit 30 Jahren Langjährige Expertise in Sachen Bitterstoffe
Schnelle Lieferung In 2-4 Werktagen bei dir. Versandkostenfrei ab 40€
Persönlicher Kundenservice Unsere Expert:innen beraten dich gern telefonisch
Von Heilpraktikern geschätzt Natürliche und ganzheitliche Ansätze
Marktführer in Apotheken Vertreten in Tausenden Apotheken in DE & AT
Natürliche wirksame Produkte Von Heilpraktikern entwickelt & geschätzt
Startup eines Mittelständlers Dr. C. Soldan mit der Marke Em-eukal
Qualitätsmarke seit 1992 Entwicklung und Produktion in Deutschland
Re-Design der Marke & Packagings
Entwicklung neuer Produkte
Scale-up Social & E-Commerce
Umsetzung Best-Practise CRM
Deutsches Familienunternehmen Entwicklung und Produktion in Deutschland
Apothekenqualität seit 30 Jahren Qualität ohne Kompromisse seit 1992